Character Close Up


Born in rural Soviet Siberia, Piotr Rasputin never envisioned a life beyond his family’s farm. But when Piotr’s mutant powers emerged, the gentle giant became an X-Man, serving as the team’s primary muscle. In his armored form he is Colossus. Underneath the steel lies the heart of an artist. Read the greatest stories featuring Colossus and his X-Men-related adventures!



The origin of fan-favorite X-Man Colossus is finally revealed, brought to you by Chris Yost (New X-Men, Messiah Complex) and Trevor Hairsine (X-Men: Deadly Genesis). Deep in the wastes of Siberia, young Piotr Rasputin discovers his mutant abilities -- and becomes the newest target of the ruthless KGB! Guest-starring Professor Xavier.
Rated T+ ... $3.99

Giant-Size X-Men (1975) #1

The First Appearance of Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Thunderbird and the living island Krakoa! Plus, in this very issue Wolverine joins the X-Men! Deadly Genesis introduces an All-New, All-Different team of X-Men who must rescue the original team of X-Men!

Uncanny X-Men (1963) #165

As their ship is falling apart, Storm begins to transform into a Brood. It's terror in space as the X-Men try to return home.

Uncanny X-Men (1963) #293

Jean Grey helps Archangel to come to terms with his new lot in life. Meanwhile, Callisto challenges Xavier to a fight to the death.

Uncanny X-Men (1963) #390

Beast has discovered a cure for the Legacy Virus. The catch: the first mutant to use it dies!

Astonishing X-Men (2004) #6

Artist John Cassady has captured what is very likely the most tender moment on the Top 70 Covers list, Kitty and Colossus finally reunited.

X-Men: Colossus Bloodline (2005) #1

From the pages of ASTONISHING X-MEN! Colossus has returned from the dead, only to find his relatives are being killed in his homeland! Peter must travel to Russia to face a shadowy villain whose origin lies in Peter's past. Will this foe lead Colossus down the path of darkness and will defeating him cost Peter his soul?!


X-Men Unlimited (2004) #14


In the first story, C.B. Cebulski and David Aja explore how the remarkable tragedies in the mutant's life have affected those around him, including his younger sister, Illyana, whose gifts of magic can often be more of a burden than a blessing...

And Mike Oeming joins Neil Kleid for a touching story titled "How to be an Artist," in which Colossus struggles with something even more immobile than himself-- artist's block. With an exhibition scheduled, Colossus must create art, but what exactly is art? And can the metal mutant generate something that pleases both himself and his harshest critics?

32 PGS./Rated A ...$2.99

Uncanny X-Men (1963) #496

"DIVIDED WE STAND" Part 2 (of 3)
Cyclops and Emma Frost adventure to the strangest land of all - San Francisco. The city has transformed into a bizarre version of itself circa 1968, complete with VW Bugs, flower power and hippies as far as the eye can see. Will they be able to lure Angel back to reality? Or will they succumb to their groovy desires and embrace the love generation forever? Also, Colossus (with Wolverine and Nightcrawler in tow) Rated T+ ...$2.99

Uncanny X-Men (1963) #543

No one can stop Colossus! The Juggernaut has become Kuurth, Breaker of Stone, one of the Worthy. Now more powerful than ever, one of the X-Men's greatest enemies rampages through San Francisco. To stop him, Colossus makes a deal with the demon lord Cytorrak-the being that imbued Juggernaut with his power. Can this deal be one Colossus can back out of at the fight's end? Prepare for the clash of two unstoppable forces! Part 4 (of 4).

Cable and X-Force (2012) #1

Marvel NOW! Caught red-handed at the scene of a terrorist attack on a major American corporation whose CEO has expressed anti-mutant views, the X-Force is the run, with none other than the Uncanny Avengers in hot pursuit.